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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Dude at the doctors

The Dude had his three year old check up tonight. His first eye test. His first blood pressure test. No shots. (Yay!)

He was all excited going in, climbing the stairs to the doctors office he said "They are going to be so happy to see me!" In the waiting room he almost dashed in when the nurse came to get a different child for their appointment.

When the nurse came, he marched through the door and towards the exam rooms, leading us.

First weight and height. The Dude has barely grown an inch or gained a pound in a year, which might be a cause for concern, but neither my wife and I are tall, in fact we are a bit on the short side and no one seems concerned about his growth rate.

Next was the eye test. The Dude had never done this before but he took to it with ease. The nurse pointed at an eye chart filled with various shapes and silhouettes of household objects. It was kind of funny because sometimes you got the impression that he could see it fine, but he didn't have the language to say what it was, so he'd guess.

The Dude did great having his blood pressure checked, I kept thinking he'd be scared, but it didn't faze him. In fact, even with the doctor checking his ears and mouth and all the usual stuff, he wasn't fazed by any of it. He did great. Like a big kid.

Keep growing Dude. Keep growing.

feb and March 2008 040

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